Aleksis Kiven katu Street Flea Market
What to do when there is no weekly, open space street market, when there is a need for one? Well, you create it yourself! The idea for a flea market at the street Aleksis Kiven katu in Helsinki was sparked when I visited a weekly, independently produced flea market in Paris in the spring of 2014. If this kind of informal activity works in other countries, then why wouldn’t it work in Finland, which is after all the “promised land” of flea markets? So I went and discussed the idea on Facebook, soon after which the Facebook page Aleksis Kiven katu flea market was created. The page informs people that every Sunday they can go to buy and sell their things at Aleksis Kiven katu. And that really happened: at the Dallapé park near the street there is now (as long as the weather is on our side) a flea market every Sunday.