Community Management And New Urban Culture
People have taken a more active role as creators of the urban culture in recent years. The urban space is no longer seen as something that only public sector and private companies are allowed to use. Events and projects are not just something that professionals do for the public. In the new urban culture, you don’t always have to have a lot of money and the help of a big organisation to create something meaningful. The new urban culture is open-minded, quick, created with a minimal budget – and done by the community itself.
This article examines the new, communal urban culture in theory and in practice through the case example of the Cleaning Day. It seeks to answer the following questions: How have the ways of communicating changed and how does this change affect communal action? What is the communal creative process like and what does it require from the community manager? What makes people participate and what kind of roles do they play?
Read the original article (in Finnish)